lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008


The domestic animal has demonstrated to be the best partner of the human beings. The members of the family are truth. Near 60% of the houses they have at least a dog, cat, bird, fish, the monkey or any other domestic animal in its house. To have a domestic animal is a great experience, but at the same time, load with many of responsibility, it is very important to consider your necessities, preoccupation, fear and medical file of all your members of the family.
You must divide to the responsibilities and the amount of time that needs to be last with the domestic animal before buying it.
If you have a domestic animal in your home. First of all, you must visit a veterinarian with your domestic animal to make sure that your domestic animal is healthy, you must discuss appropriate measures of the nutrition and the feeding to maintain your domestic animal healthy.
All the necessary vaccinations are due to provide your domestic animal. Before you bring a home of the domestic animal, you must prepare an appropriate place him to eat, to sleep and to exercise.
In conclusion the right care of the domestic animal is extremely important. You must provide an affectionate and safe atmosphere for your domestic animal, you must provide with your domestic animal all required essential foods for its growth and to take care it and to protect it like one but of the family.



In these two cities of Colombia there are so differents values, because the peole get dressed, speak, eat, dance, listen to different styles of music and different lifestyle too.

In Bogota the people are of white skin, clear eyes, clear brown hair, high average stature, also they are quiets, very traditionals, little friendly and funny, and almost everyone has a smooth voice and speaks calmed. Moreover these people whom live in Bogota are called commonly by the rest of country "Rolos". Bogota is a cold city, so people gets dressed in jeans, coats,boots, jackets and sometimes caps, umbrella, gloves and scarfs when the climate is very cold and if is raining. Is possible to said that the typical plates of this city are: ajiaco, fritanga, mazamorra chiquita, puchero bogotano, sancocho de gallina and some desserts, oblea, cuajada con melao, brevas con arequipe and dulces con almibar.

On the other hand in Santa Marta the people are of black skin, brown or black ayes, dark hair, high satature, also they are friendly, funniest, talkative, almost everyone has a tone of strong voice, and speak very fast that some times cannot be understood to them. Moreover these people whom live in Santa Marta are called commonly by the rest of country "Costeños". Santa Marta is a hot city, the people gets dressed in shorts, t - shirts, sandals, skirts and uses bath dress on weekends already this city counts on pretty beaches. The typical plates of food of this city are: albondigas de pezcado, arepa de huevo, bocachico en sumo de coco, arroz con coco,bollo de yuca and some desserts are flan de coco y piña and alegria de burro.

finally, these two cities are the most visited in Colombia since it is possible to be appreciated the different values and cultures that are lived in each one of these.